American Sign Language 2, Part 2 - Silicon Valley High School

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American Sign Language 2, PART 2

Price: $125 | Credits: One Semester | Dept: Elective | Course ID# 255-2

This is the second semester in American Sign Language 2. This second year is designed for students who have completed ASL 1. This course teaches conversation, grammar, and vocabulary. The focus is on expressive and receptive American Sign Language and the culture of the Deaf community. Each unit will cover vocabulary related to a specific theme and grammar concepts appropriate to level 2. As students progress through each unit, they will build upon previously learned material and be given opportunities to strengthen their use of their expressive and receptive language skills. ASL 2 is approved by the University of California A-G as a language other than English (category E).

Upon completion of this course, the student is awarded 5 credits. Each credit corresponds to 15 hours of study. Of course, some students work more quickly than others, and some can devote more hours to study, so some students are able to complete the course in an accelerated rate.


In this module, students gain a comprehension of the following:

  • Advanced number concepts – numbers over 1,000, decimals, fractions, percentage, and measurement.
  • Describing cars and vehicles in detail: what parts they have, how they look, how they work, how we drive them, etc. 
  • Look at car/vehicle crashes and classifiers that show how the body reacts to acceleration and deceleration.  
  • Learn about injuries and illnesses.
  • Internal anatomy vocabulary and how to talk about health and well-being. 
  • Learn signs related to COVID-19.
  • Discuss all of the big and small decisions that can happen in life – how to tell about a major decision using the correct structure and how to give advice.
  • Discuss how to interact with Deaf people.
  • Discuss a variety of news-related topics: politics, technology, criminal activity, and weather. 
  • Newsworthy topics for the Deaf community. 
  • Focus on new vocabulary and practice receptive skills with real-world topics. 


This course covers the following topics:

  • Numbers
  • Cars and vehicles
  • Medical – illnesses and injuries
  • Making decisions and getting advice
  • In the news
Course Details:
• One Semester Credit: $125
• Second Semester of ASL 2