Homeschooling in Arizona & Homeschool Laws

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You may be considering homeschooling in Arizona, but don’t know where to start regarding Arizona laws and homeschooling programs in Arizona. This guide will walk you through what you need to know to successfully set up your own homeschool in Arizona. We’ll cover the history of homeschooling in Arizona, current Arizona laws and regulations, required notifications and filings, curriculum and testing choices, high school transcripts, extracurricular activities, graduation requirements, and special education services and resources.

History of Homeschooling in Arizona

Arizona initially enacted its homeschool law in 1982, mandating that a parent pass a proficiency exam and obligating homeschoolers to undergo annual standardized tests to homeschool in Arizona. The county superintendent’s office was granted the authority to review these test results and, if concerns arose, appoint an independent evaluator to assess academic progress.

In 1993, the Arizona legislature revised the homeschool law by eliminating the requirement for a parent to pass a proficiency exam, instead stipulating that they possess a high school diploma or GED to homeschool in Arizona. Subsequently, this requirement was also abolished in Arizona. Additionally, in 1995, Senate Bill 1348 of the Arizona laws was passed, which entirely removed the testing obligation from the homeschool law.

Senate Bill 1348 of the Arizona laws, enacted in 1995, also included a provision permitting homeschoolers to engage in sports activities at their local public school. In 1999, House Bill 2129 of the Arizona laws further enhanced homeschoolers’ access to sports by mandating that public schools permit homeschoolers to participate in sports tryouts.

The supportive Arizona laws have facilitated steady growth in the vibrant homeschooling community for over 30 years. Current estimates suggest over 4% of school-aged children are educated in a homeschool in Arizona.

Current Arizona homeschool laws are relatively lenient regulations compared to many other states in the U.S. A parent who chooses to educate at home has considerable autonomy over their curriculum and teaching methods under Arizona homeschool laws. Under Arizona homeschool law, the state requires you to submit a notarized affidavit of intent to homeschool to the superintendent and maintain records of academic progress. Additionally, children between the ages of six and sixteen must receive instruction in subjects commonly taught in the public schools in accordance with Arizona homeschool laws. However, there are no mandatory standardized testing or required teacher qualifications for homeschooling parents in Arizona, offering families the flexibility to tailor lessons to their children’s individual needs and learning styles while complying with Arizona homeschool laws.

Current Arizona Homeschool Laws and Regulations

Arizona laws make Arizona one of the most loosely regulated homeschool-friendly states in the U.S. Key aspects include:

  • Arizona laws require students attend school between the ages of 6-16. Students outside this age range or enrolled in approved alternatives like homeschools are exempt.

  • A parent homeschooling in Arizona must file an affidavit of intent to homeschool in Arizona with the county school superintendent within 30 days of homeschooling. An annual notification affidavit must also be submitted to the superintendent’s office by August 1st before each new school year to confirm intent to continue homeschooling in Arizona. Affidavits simply include basic information like the parent and student name, address and age.

  • Arizona homeschool laws do not prescribe what must be taught, how learning is structured or evaluated for progress. A parent has complete control to choose subjects, set schedules, select lessons and resources, determine teaching methods and assess student learning in the way they feel best meets the academic needs and interests of each homeschool child under Arizona homeschooling laws.

  • No minimum teacher qualifications or certifications are imposed on a parent to homeschool under Arizona laws. The child’s home is not subject to inspection by school authorities under Arizona homeschool laws.

According to Arizona laws, homeschool students are allowed to participate in the public schools’ interscholastic activities for the attendance area where they reside in Arizona.

In summary, Arizona laws provide maximum flexibility along with minimal required paperwork to homeschool in Arizona. A parent must only file an Arizona homeschool affidavit to exempt their Arizona homeschool from compulsory Arizona laws before you start homeschooling and on an annual basis thereafter. No further documentation is required under Arizona homeschool laws to homeschool in Arizona.

How to Set Up a Homeschool In Arizona

Follow these key steps to legally establish your Arizona homeschool in compliance with Arizona laws:

  1. Provide written notice of intent to homeschool in Arizona to any prior public school or private school where your child was enrolled.

  2. Formally withdraw your child if they were previously attending school in Arizona. This should be done by submitting the withdrawal form obtained from your school district administrator in Arizona.

  3. Write and submit a notarized affidavit of intent to homeschool in Arizona to your county school superintendent within 30 days of Arizona homeschooling. Blank affidavit of intent forms for all school districts in Arizona can be downloaded from the website. Each county has jurisdiction over AZ homeschooling within its borders. The Arizona homeschool affidavit of intent must be filed separately for each child you plan to homeschool in accordance with Arizona homeschooling laws. If an Arizona homeschooling family moves from one Arizona county to another, they must file a new affidavit in the new county of residence.

  4. You must also submit to the county school superintendent within 30 days of the start of home instruction at least one of the following: a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate, or other reliable proof of the child’s identity and age, including the pupil’s baptismal certificate, an application for a Social Security number, or original school registration records AND an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate in accordance with Arizona laws.

  5. Provide instruction suitable for each child, research learning options, including online homeschool curriculum for their grade level in core subjects like English, Math, History and Science. Adapt them to create lesson plans appropriate for your homeschooling in Arizona.  

According to Arizona homeschooling laws, no teaching certification or background in child’s education is necessary for Arizona homeschooling.

Join thousands and commence homeschooling your children in Arizona! When you are ready for homeschooling, Arizona is a great place to do so. While daunting at first, you will soon find your groove after the first few weeks. Arizona homeschool groups can provide mentoring, support, and resources.

Maintaining Your Arizona Homeschool

Arizona homeschooling requirements for each year are minimal. Homeschool programs in Arizona require the following:

  • The child must be instructed in at least the subjects of reading, grammar, mathematics, social studies and science in accordance with Arizona laws. 

  • Create or purchase appropriate homeschooling curriculum and lesson plans for each subject and grade level. Adapt this over time based on child progress and interests.

  • Maintain typical academic records for your own purposes like tracking subjects covered, skills assessed, examples of work, grades achieved and overall progress evaluating whether educational goals for every homeschooling child are being met. While not mandated, keeping your own documentation is wise.

Standardized testing, auditing by officials, minimum hours of instruction provided and detailed reporting to Arizona are NOT required under Arizona homeschooling laws. You have full flexibility to manage your Arizona homeschool in the way you feel best educates your children under the Arizona laws.

Arizona Homeschool Reporting Requirements

While additional detailed homeschooling records are not required under Arizona homeschooling laws, maintaining your own documentation is strongly recommended. Tips include:

  • Keep a daily or weekly journal detailing topics covered, skills learned, assignments completed and results of any assessments.

  • Build a portfolio for each child collecting samples of exceptional work like essays, reports, and art projects that demonstrate their learning.

  • Document the Arizona homeschool curriculum and resources used, including textbooks, websites, and educational subscriptions.

  • Create files categorizing progress reports assessing mastery of subjects and skills.

This protects your Arizona homeschool if questions ever arise about the legitimacy of your program under Arizona laws. 

Homeschool Testing In Arizona

In Arizona, homeschooled students are not obligated to complete standardized testing, including the AzMERIT test in accordance with Arizona laws. The decision to pursue standardized testing is left to the discretion of each parent or legal guardian in Arizona. If you opt for standardized testing, you can explore options through private resources. Reach out to your local Arizona homeschool support group to inquire about available testing services.

Funding Your Arizona Homeschool

While no public funding resources are provided directly to homeschool parents under Arizona laws, there are pathways to access financial assistance:

  • Education Savings Accounts (ESAs): ESAs are funded at 90% of the state funding amount allocated per child in the Arizona public school system. Arizona homeschool students who meet eligibility criteria can qualify for an ESA. Funds get deposited on a restricted debit card to pay for items like tuition, books, educational therapies and curriculum. To qualify, Arizona students must meet certain prior public school attendance requirements. Additional eligibility factors under Arizona laws are listed here.

  • Tax Credits: Arizona offers tax credits reimbursing homeschooling costs for homeschool families, currently up to $400 per K-12 child in accordance with Arizona laws. Credits can be claimed for curriculum materials, textbooks, self paced online learning programs, tutoring and more resources. Details on qualifying expenses and forms to claim the credit during tax filing under Arizona laws are available here.

By utilizing ESA and tax credit options, a homeschool in Arizona can recover a significant portion of their ongoing homeschooling investments from Arizona each year.

Federal Tax Breaks

Homeschooling families may be eligible for certain federal tax benefits to help offset educational expenses. One option is a Coverdell Education Savings Account, which allows money to grow tax-free when used for qualified education costs. Homeschool parents might also be able to deduct a portion of mortgage interest or rent if part of the home is used regularly and exclusively for homeschooling. Finally, tax credits or deductions could be available for required books, supplies, equipment and curricula used for homeschool instruction. To learn more about these potential tax advantages, homeschooling families should review the information form and resources provided by the IRS.

Arizona Immunization Requirements

While the state has flexible Arizona homeschooling laws, one area not exempted for homeschoolers is Arizona laws regarding immunization:

  • Arizona homeschooled students must receive and provide documentary proof of all immunizations that would otherwise be mandatory for attendance at public school and private school in accordance with Arizona laws.

  • Reference the full schedule of immunizations here under Arizona laws. Homeschoolers must submit their child’s immunization records or applicable exemption documentation to their county health department upon request or if participating in classes, activities and community events where proof of immunization is required for attendance with other Arizona students. 

It is prudent for homeschool parents to consult their physician or local Arizona health department to ensure their children receive recommended immunizations for their age and health status regardless of the state homeschooling policy.

Arizona State Graduation Requirements

Arizona has no mandatory state-wide graduation requirements specifically imposed on homeschooled students in order to receive a high school diploma under Arizona laws. Homeschool parents have the authority and flexibility to assess when their child has met goals demonstrating readiness to graduate and pursue post-high school education or career opportunities.

Parents issue their own diplomas. These have the same legal equivalence as any public school or private school issued diploma under Arizona laws. Homeschool graduates can submit transcripts detailing courses completed and activities engaged in along with copies of curricula used to apply to attend college if desired. 

Helpful recommendations and resources for benchmarking your program against a well-rounded high school education covering core subjects like language arts, math, sciences and social studies can be found at this state home school coalition resource page

Ultimately, graduation milestones are determined within each independent homeschool environment based on the discretion of the parent and progress of each student. 

Arizona Homeschool Charters

While not mandatory, enrolling with a charter school program is an appealing option for many families. Reasons include:

  • Accreditation: Charters must meet curriculum, testing and accountability standards defined by the state to maintain accreditation status under Arizona laws. This provides an external benchmark for gauging student progress against same-age peers.

  • Record Keeping: Charters maintain transcripts of courses completed and grades earned, relieving the parent of detailed documentation duties. This permanent record is useful when applying to colleges or future employers.

  • Resources: Funding via charters unlocks access to Education Savings Account money usable for homeschool Arizona families might otherwise directly fund themselves. Charters facilitate community events, field trips and access to things like music or arts programs supplementing at-home learning.

  • Testing: Standardized testing is required in most charters to validate academic performance resulting in an accredited diploma for graduation in accordance with Arizona laws.   

Some top charter options for Arizona homeschoolers include: 

  • Pathfinder Academy – This tuition-free Arizona Charter School was founded in 1998 and has consistently received the Highest Academic Rating of “Excelling” from the Arizona Department of Education.

  • Great Hearts Anthem – In the heart of the Phoenix metropolitan area, Great Hearts Anthem stands as a beacon of learning, offering a rigorous yet enriching classical children’s education that spans the critical stages of childhood and adolescence – from the formative years of elementary school to the transformative period of middle school. 

  • Masada Charter School – a nonprofit statewide organization created to respond to the needs of local families and their children. Its mission is to provide the opportunity for students to develop learning skills and motivate them to continually incorporate them in their lives.

In exchange for these benefits, charter programs do impose more rules around lessons, reporting and testing because of Arizona laws compared to independently run homeschool environments. Assess program options to determine if the tradeoffs suit your Arizona homeschooling family situation and educational priorities for your homeschooling journey.

Local Arizona Homeschooling Resources

Alongside charters and ESAs, homeschool networks and support groups provide activity suggestions, guidance navigating Arizona homeschool requirements, resources, and support for home education. Consider connecting with:

Supplementing your own Arizona homeschooling program with field trips to educational locales expands possibilities. Many locations offer many benefits including reduced group rates for homeschoolers. Some examples include:  

Homeschool laws in Arizona provide families with the freedom to craft personalized educational experiences for their children. Unlike some states’ homeschool laws, Arizona homeschooling regulations are relatively relaxed, granting parents the autonomy to design curricula tailored to their children’s unique learning styles and interests. Under the homeschooling laws in Arizona, parents are required to submit a notarized affidavit of intent to homeschool to the county school superintendent and maintain records of academic progress. While there are guidelines stipulating instruction in subjects typically taught in public schools, homeschooling in Arizona laws provide considerable flexibility in how these subjects are approached. This leniency in homeschool laws in AZ empowers you to create enriching learning environments that nurture their children’s intellectual growth and development.

With minimal reporting rules under Arizona laws and extensive curriculum freedom, Arizona is an ideal state to legally establish a customized homeschool in Arizona tailored to your children’s needs and interests! Tap into the vibrant local networks, co-ops and support groups to enrich your experience with resources.

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